guess what I'm having now..stomachache..haih..must been from eating these expired bread I had in my room yesterday..they got some nice brownish fungi growing on some of them already but still that didn't bother me..until last night..guess I underestimate the poisoning capabilities those puny molt had in a result, I had to be extremely rudely waken up by a sudden jolt of pain from my abdominal part and an insatiable call of the nature..and that happen repeatedly for five or six times much for a good night sleep..haih..fortunately I'm quite prepared for this kind of situation already..a glass of warm milk really helped to lessen the uneasiness of my intestines and put my mind back into it's relaxed state..well, until further attack that is..
but what bother me the most is not this sort of normal malnutrition yet something which come from another field of science..more toward mystic and paranormal studies I suppose..around 3 o'clock(yes, this is a prime time for this sort of things to happen) I was suddenly woken up from my slumber..I felt someone or something just sat next to me on my bed..of course my sleepy brain came up with some blurred assumption that one of my friend must had decided to come crashing into my room for something..seems logical to me at that time and I decided to shut my eyes again and continue to sleep..but then I realized I couldn't move my body an inch..I came up with another sleepy assumption that my body must be numb and tried to change my sleeping position yet I still couldn't move anything part from my eyelids..I still didn't quite yet had my grasp onto the eerie reality which was around me at that moment..
then I felt that someone is watching me..maybe the person sitting next to me I now I realized the deadly silent I heard in my room beside the sound of the ceiling fan brain suddenly kick starts and analyzed the situation that within a few moments I became fully aware of the situation which I was unaware of a few 10-15 seconds was funny when I think about it now..
1)the fact I'm now living alone in my room
2)my friends were soundly sleeping in their own rooms when I woke up because of the stomach pain earlier
3)it was so silent that it was actually kinda unnatural back then
4)my brain was so foggy I didn't realise at all what it was really happening
so that 'thing' was sitting next to me staring right at my back and I couldn't move a limb even thought I tried uncool is that??my mind was racing to find a way to react while my ears keep on trying to catch any sound of movement from beside me..all that I know is 'it' is there, watching..the pressure I felt on my mattress suggest that it is still doing nothing over there..with the tension and frustation building inside, I told my body to move and turn around so I can look the culprit which is disrupting my sleep and forcing it way into my private space eye to eye(if it has it then)..tried as I might I couldn't budge an inch as if some unknown force was numbing my whole being and it wasn't fear..I had a taste of that long ago and it's nothing like what I was facing now and here..I keep on pushing my body urging them to move and finally my leg suddenly break free and I thrust it instinctively to where I assume 'it' was..thus I felt the pressence beside me dissapeared and my foot fail to connect what I thought it will but some other stuff I put on my bed and that send them flying across the floor..
I turned around quickly hoping to see some form of the 'thing' which was bugging me but it had just left I guess..I couldn't even sense it presence anywhere in the room by then..whatever it was, it was not malicious but more toward curiousity-driven or maybe a bit for me, well that add up another one to my current rate of encounter with the third kind..yeah, I had a bunch of similar experience already..some are even terrifying to remember..what it was??what it want??I have absolutely no idea..but I'll try to keep in mind to ask that if I manage to trigger it interest to visit me again in the future..or maybe..visiting you will come in next for it..tell him I said "hi" ok..hehe ^^
p/s: now that I think of's not so bothersome actually..there are other which is more bothering than this..haih