Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Menjadi mesin translator..BESTA kah aku??

arie tue pensyarah aku ade la bagi "sedikit" bahan untuk dialihbahasa dari BI-BM kepada kelas kitorg pn bahagi la sorg sket bahan yang dibagi tue..last-last biler aku tgk blk btul2, kitorang kena translate dari buku yang memang tinggi bahasa akademiknye siap ngan term-term dan laras bahase yang boleh tahan mencabar gk skang nie aku tengah mentranslate bahagian yang dibagi pada aku la nie..Xde la banyak sangat, dalam 6 helai depan belakang setel setengah page yang pertame jer aku dah mengalihbahsekn 410 pth perkataan tanpa sedar..pasal tulisan dier kecik-kecik jer..aku wat dalam word ngan font times new roman 12 single pn dh abis satu muka full..aku pikir-pikir la kn, kalo sorang dapat purata 6 helai darab ngan 16 orang dalam kelas aku nie..dh dapat 96 helai btul tak..watpe plak dier srh ktorg translate byk2 nie kalo stakat nk gune dlm klas..ktorg pn dh mmg syak dh kot2 ade udang disebalik mee psl dlue mmg dh terkena ngan sorg pnsyrh len..nk wt thesis bg ktorg bhn srh translate..byk cantekkk..ingat aku nie BESTA ke ape pn aku nk tunggu dan lihat jer dlue..bersangka baik la kn..X elok pikir bkan2 psl pensyarah nnt X berkat ilmu dier ajar kt aku..
so kesimpulannya, aku tgh dh jam sket mentranslate nie sbenarnye..sajer la nk release tension sket kt smbl memblogging..haa~~..lega sket rase..

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Haih..tale of the wasted..T_T

So the story began..I woke up late this morning..I promised to send a friend of mine to the LRT station but since I woke up late, I broke my promise that one thing wasted early in the morning for me..then I had planned to jog around the field also EARLIER this morning but yet again I couldn' case you are wondering why, that's because when I woke up the time was already 11.34 one sane enough to jog under the burning sensation of the afternoon sunlight..a waste of effort on the after my late awakening I go to the bathroom and so on until after Zuhur prayer..not wanting to waste my bread which will expires tomorrow, I had them for a lite,simple lunch..nothing goes wrong you are guessing all turns well then, right??
It would have been if I hadn't be so enthusiastic about doing some homework and finishing my files for my class when I realized my printer ran out of just happen to be that I read an email from a computer shop which I'm registered as a member wishing me happy CNY and advertising some New Year's promotion..thinking my broadband bills were also due for two month now I guess I'll just go to Alamanda, buy a new cartridge and settle the bills at the same time..killing two birds with one stone..and so I rode my bike for about 10 minutes to Alamanda and then make some withdrawal from the ATM..feeling high and mighty with all the cash I had I rode the escalator up the next floor and I turned..
The Maxis centre was closed!!aw man..for some reason which never came across my mind earlier the centre closed for two days..and then I walked quickly across toward the other end of the complex..inside, I had a feeling the same thing that happened with the centre will happen yet a second time..when I reached there, guess what..right, my instinct was damn right..the shop was also closed for the same reason as the centre earlier..what a BIG waste of time and effort..some of the quick-thinking people must already know why both of them were closed but I will say it is Chinese New Year and they are celebrating it unlike me who only felt it as another weekend holiday..haih..see how much was wasted on one day..
before I went back, I take out my stressed on the arcade's punching machine and super shooter..I still couldn't break my record of 98 pound punch yet I managed to beat the first boss anyway..then I found two new comics for me so it cheered me up again..I just hope nothing else get wasted on this jinxed day..huhuhu T_T

moral of the story : don't wake up late and don't ever break a promise you make..

Monday, January 26, 2009

Nearly forgotten..


like I said earlier..I nearly forgotten about an important event that will occur today..guess what..the solar eclipse is going to happen again, the second time it's occurring in my lifetime..our prophet RASULULLAH SAW said;
إن الشمس والقمر ايتان من ايات الله لا ينكسفان لموت أحد ولا لحيات فإذا رأيتم ذلك فصلوا وادعوا حتى ينكسف ما بكم
meaning:" the sun and the moon are two symbols of might of Allah taala, both their eclipse are not cause by the death of someone and by the life of someone..So then, when you saw the eclipse occurs, perform the salaat and pray(dua') until gone what had befallen you that is the darkness wrath..(hadith from Muslim)
so let's all look into it..and for those who doesn't know how to perform the salaat for this event(includes me) then you can surf these links for detail..

To be or not to be..

I'm out of spirit right now..feels like lazying around all day long again..having such free times, I ought to start working on my many assignments and finishing my thesis but..jeez, I sure hate working hard..that's why I'll keep lazying around all the time..what this had to do with the tittle??hurm..none so whatever I just came out of the blue earlier on..or maybe it has a hidden meaning sent by the unconscious part of my mind..telling me to clean up my act and then make up my mind about what to do..haih, such a nosey conscience I what should I do then..I've been thinking about going to the movies but not alone..since nobody can go with me so I think I'll just cancel the, times like this I wish I had a up is, nothing..guess I'll end up lazying all day long then..on such a fine day too..haihz~~

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Aku & Boikot..


Dah lame sangat kempen memboikot barangan yahudi dan amerika kadang-kadang aku masih menyinggah ke kedai-kedai makanan segera seperti KFC dan juga MCD..aku nampak masih banyak lagi kaum keluarga Melayu yang masih duduk bergembira di kedai-kedai tersebut..agaknya mereka masih tak nampak lagi berapa besarnya kesan projek boikot ini kepada pengusaha-pengusaha produk makanan segera itu..sebab tulah diorang buat endah tak endah jer pada laungan memboikot ini..
Jadi apa kata aku berkongsi satu fakta, tentang ape yang berlaku disekitar aku sendiri akibat daripada boikot yang dilakukan oleh rakan-rakan kita disekitar kawasan Bangi ini..syarikat pengeluaran makanan segera tersebut saban hari membuang ban-ban yang tidak laku dijual ke kawasan pembuangan sampah di situ..jumlah roti ban yang terpaksa dibuang oleh mereka juga bukanlah sekadar satu atau dua ketul semata-mata malahan beratus-ratus banyaknya..rekod terbaru yang saya perolehi adalah sebanyak 400 lebih roti ban tersebut terpaksa dicurahkan ke tong sampah akibat bilangan pengunjung yang kian berkurangan setelah restoran itu diboikot oleh sebahagian masyarakat yang sedar di sekitar Bangi ini..itu baru cerita sekitar Bangi..di kawasan lain macam mana??
Kalau nak tahu pergilah berkunjung ke kawasan pembuangan sampah berdekatan yang selalu dikunjungi oleh lori syarikat terbabit..kalau keadaan ini masih berlarutan, tak lama lagi mungkin kita tak perlu lagi mengeluarkan wang untuk dibelanja bagi merasai produk makanan tersebut tetapi hanya sekadar menunggu di pintu belakang restoran mereka untuk memperolehi hasil yang tidak laku pada hari itu..makan percuma la kita hari-hari nanti..golongan fakir miskin pun bole merasa makanan yang dikira mewah oleh mereka itu..
Jadi apa yang ditunggu lagi..mari kita sama-sama memboikot..hasilnya bukan setakat ekonomi Israel dan Amerika jatuh, Palestin dapat keadilan malahan kita pun boleh selalu dapat produk yang percuma..lumayan bukan..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A bit humanitarian..For Palestine..


while surfing the www just now searching for some material about the Israeli-Palestine war, I came across a simple was created by someone by the name of Datong Liu..his poem was created in regard of what is happening in the devastated land of Palestine..and while I was reading this poem of him, suddenly I felt intrigued by the fact that it never occured to me to write any kind of article regarding the injustice which befallen my bretheren there in Palastine..given the ability to think and write various topic, having the gadget which can help voice my thought out to the world, living a safe and quite life in my country, I had abandon the fact that there is other thing which I can do for the Palastine people beside donating spare changes and feeling sympathy for their suffering whenever I came across news about them..I realized how far I had pushed them away from my heart until I felt there is nothing I could do to help them..this is so wrong..I had let myself be damned but I'm not about to let anyone else fall under the cruel grips of my I call upon myself, and those who feel they can do a bit more than sharing money and grief to raise up and put your thought and feelings into words..I kow there are already a lot of other people in the whole world doing the exact same thing that I'm starting to do but they are not me nor you.. ask yourself this question, what else can you do??

you don't have to panic run into cover each time you hear a heli's motor roaring by..

Here is the poem which I mentioned earlier..I don't think the author will mind if I shared it with other people so I c&p it to my page..
~Poem For Palastine~

And everywhere I looked I saw pain
Mothers' angry eyes, fathers loosing sanity,
Grandfathers digging for tomorrow
Finding his grandson without a breath,
I hear the cries of babies, mothers, fathers, families, and bombs.
Silent malnutritioned children
Trying to save their breath for tomorrow
Their skin, like spandex covering a defeated skeleton
Eyes wondering without hope, not knowing why
Not even having the notion of thinking of cause and effect
No more tears to cry, just hungry
Peace corps tired and hopeless wondering why there are so many
House that used to shelter the warm love of a family
Shattered like glass against the concrete of democracy
Bridges that once symbolize our connection, broken
A child pulled at my pants and spoke in a foreign tongue "Sa'edni"
And no translation was needed
Eyes blinking tears, I hugged my fellow human being
And my head went to the WMD paid by US tax dollars
And all I could think was "why?"

by Datong Liu

I can't imagine this kind of sight must really felt..

I might never make an impact with this small thing which I'm doing..yet this is what I'll do..all that I can me..

Monday, January 5, 2009

Looking Into The Future..


2008 is over and here comes 2009..My, has been 23 years already since I was first born into this world..a period which I myself doesn't know wether it's already long or short..and I'm not even sure if I'll ever be living my life to the fullest..even so, what I can do for now strive I had always do back then..


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