like I said earlier..I nearly forgotten about an important event that will occur today..guess what..the solar eclipse is going to happen again, the second time it's occurring in my lifetime..our prophet RASULULLAH SAW said;
إن الشمس والقمر ايتان من ايات الله لا ينكسفان لموت أحد ولا لحيات فإذا رأيتم ذلك فصلوا وادعوا حتى ينكسف ما بكمso let's all look into it..and for those who doesn't know how to perform the salaat for this event(includes me) then you can surf these links for detail..
meaning:" the sun and the moon are two symbols of might of Allah taala, both their eclipse are not cause by the death of someone and by the life of someone..So then, when you saw the eclipse occurs, perform the salaat and pray(dua') until gone what had befallen you that is the darkness wrath..(hadith from Muslim)
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