Monday, February 9, 2009

Two Eclipses..

just about a month ago we had solar it's lunar eclipse turn to darken our, what a time we are living it the sign of appocalypse getting closer..or is it just pure coincidence they relayed in such short time..what ever the truth maybe, I think it is a omen that our time on this beloved earth of ours is nearing its end..sooner or later, all the things in the earth and the sky shall be....gone..I wonder if I'll see it with my own eyes or not..I wonder..


dzulhakim baharom on February 9, 2009 at 9:36 PM said...

dah sedia?

dark_eky on February 11, 2009 at 7:28 PM said...

sedia ke idak benda tue dtg gk..
so wt jer la stakat yg mmpu..


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